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We ensure that every child living with sickle cell and physical disabilities are given the love they deserve, feel supported, valued, included in the community and are given the same opportunities as children without disabilities to strive and aim higher in life.

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Our Aims

To work with children with disabilities and their families as peer-supporters and advocates for change. We promote good practices and provide a forum for dialogue among stakeholders, and mobilize resources to support our cause.

Disabled Reached
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People Reached Out
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Volunteers Worldwide
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Sickle Cell Children Reached
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We Care with a Smile

Join Us In Reaching out To Our Target Audience

our targrted audience

We provide targeted assistance to families with children between the ages of 0 and 21 who require special care, with a particular focus on underrepresented ethnic communities, including but not limited to Black (African, Canadian, and Caribbean)communities as well as other minority groups


Obtain funding opportunities that will uphold our vision and values. Types of stakeholders include :

They Need Your Help!

Alarming cries come from challenged and sickle cell affected children all across the world. They require our assistance.

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